Ty Khan

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Godot • C# • GDScript

ElliePig is a head-to-head mobile game that involves both players racing to complete a list of tasks. One player - a pet pig - must destroy various pieces of furniture around the house before ultimately escaping. The other player - the pig's owner - must find scrap materials around the house to construct a cage and catch the pig before they escape.

ElliePig was originally created in 2016, using the Unity game engine. It was released on the Google Play Store for US$0.99, and recieved regular patches and seasonal updates for a few years before being put on hiatus. A full remake is currently is progress, being made from scratch in Godot with all original art and music.

This was my first attempt at creating a full game. As such, development was particularly challenging as I found myself simultaneously teaching myself Unity, C#, and basic 3D modeling. Most of the art assets in this incarnation of the game are third party - various character models, in-game music, and sound effects. In 2019, I remade the game as part of a 1 week game jam. This version featured original models (except for the human model), textures, and animation, as well as vastly improved performance. A web build of this version is playable on itch.io.